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: Panoramic photography


: University of Idaho

Category: Panoramic photography, University of Idaho

1 result


A digital collection comprised of over 1200 historical photograhs collected and/or taken by T.N. Barnard or Nellie Stockbridge. The images span the years 1894 to 1964, containing images of Northern Idaho (Wallace/Kellogg Area) mines, towns, fires, scenery, and historical sites. To explore the collection by date or location, or to find out more about the collection, use the tabs above. Questions? questions? Contact Devin: dbecker@uidaho.edu (208) 885-7040 In 1964 the University of Idaho Library received a collection of over 200,000 nitrocellulose and glass plate negatives taken by Nellie Stockbridge and her predecessor and founder of the studio, Mr. T.N. Barnard.

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