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A writer, social activist, and arts aficionado, Mabel Dodge Luhan is celebrated less for her artistic accomplishments than for her key role in building artistic communities, supporting artists, and generating interest in modern art forms. A Buffalo, New York, native, she lived at the turn of the twentieth century in Florence, Italy, where she was a prominent figure among American expatriates and visitors that included Gertrude Stein, Carl Van Vechten, and Hutchins and Neith Boyce Hapgood. Returning to the United States in the 1910s, Mabel Dodge settled in Greenwich Village, where she helped organize the groundbreaking Armory show of Postimpressionist art and hosted perhaps the most important New York City salon of the period.

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[Autographed letter signed] 1905 July 12, Wyncote, Pennsylvania [from] Ezra Pound These materials may be under copyright. To learn more, contact the Curator, Yale Collection of American Literature. Call Number: YCAL MSS 175 Related Collections Ezra Pound Papers, YCAL MSS 43 William Carlos Williams papers, YCAL MSS 116 H. D. Papers, YCAL MSS 24 Bryher papers, GEN MSS 97

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was adapted into a Hollywood film starring Audrey Hepburn in 1959. Though she was best known during her lifetime for this remarkably successful book, Hulme was more than a one-novel writer; she was the author of nine well-received books of fiction and nonfiction, some of which earned national awards and recognition. For a time, Hulme considered writing her own autobiography.

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Witold Gombrowicz (1904-1969), was a Polish novelist and playwright. His novels and plays include Ferdydurke (1937), Trans-Atlantyk (1953), Ślub (1953), Kosmos (1965), and Pornografia (1966). Considered one of Poland's foremost literary figures of the twentieth century, Gombrowicz's novels and plays have been translated into many languages. The Collection The archive consists of correspondence, writings, personal papers, photographs, audiovisual material and memorabilia documenting Gombrowicz’s life and literary activity chiefly during the last two decades of his life (1949-69). Currently, only a portion of the Archive is available online.

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1 July 1944 Richard Wright (1908-1960) is perhaps best known for his critically-acclaimed collection Uncle Tom’s Children: Four Novellas (1938), his groundbreaking novel Native Son (1940) and his autobiography, first published as Black Boy: A Record of Childhood and Youth (1945). Black Boy was the on the bestseller list from April 29 to June 6 of that year, despite being denounced as obscene in the U.S. Senate by Democrat Theodore Bilbo of Mississippi, and it solidified Wright’s reputation, at the time, as the most famous black author in America.

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Jonathan Edwards, among the foremost theologians and philosophers of his time, was born in East Windsor, Connecticut, on October 5, 1703. He attended Yale College and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in 1720. Upon leaving Yale, he succeeded his grandfather, Solomon Stoddard, as minister of the Congregationalist Church at Northampton, Massachusetts from 1726 to 1750. There he became known as an evangelical preacher and stern Calvinist, helping inspire the "Great Awakening" of the 1740s. His writings, which were widely circulated, included A Faithful Narrative and Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. In 1751 he became a missionary to the Mahican and Mohawk Indians at Stockbridge, Massachusetts, and minister to the English congregation there.

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Katherine S. Dreier Papers / Société Anonyme Archive Artist and collector Katherine Dreier joined Marcel Duchamp and Man Ray to found the Société Anonyme, an organization designed to support and generate awareness of modernist art; the group’s name, a French phrase meaning “incorporated,” highlighted the fact that the organization was not allied with any particular artistic school. The Société Anonyme promoted new artists by arranging exhibitions to introduce audiences to their work and develop their reputations among galleries and collectors. Critics praised the Société Anonyme for its commitment to new artists and its inclusion of their work in exhibits and catalogs. Dreier played an essential role in generating American interest in and acceptance of modern art.

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1,280 read

The Gerrit Smith Broadside and Pamplet Collection Using the Collection The collection of broadsides and pamphlets can be accessed via the Library's CONTENTdm server and can be browsed as well as being fully searchable by keyword, title, series title, and author. Collection Searches About the Collection Included among the publications authored by Gerrit Smith are various circulars, speeches, sermons, and tracts which deal with such topics as abolition, suffrage, temperance, transportation, and the postal system. With this project, we can now provide full text access to 214 of these important publications.

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Charles Deering, son of William and Abbey Reed (Barbour) Deering, was born on July 31, 1852, in South Paris, Maine. His father was the founder of Deering, Miliken & Company, and later of Gammon & Deering, manufacturers of harvesters and the predecessor of the Deering Harvester Company, organized in 1880. This latter company merged with International Harvester Company in 1902.

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1,391 read

History of Medicine The Letters  | Life, Family, and Times  | Henkel Family Heritage  | Colophon , , , , U.S. National Library of Medicine, 8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20894 , Last reviewed: 26 July 2011 Last updated: 26 July 2011 First published: 14 June 2010 | : Permanent: Dynamic Content

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