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The African e-Journals Project makes journals published in Africa and about Africa more available to scholars worldwide.

The project offers two major resources. First, a directory of journals about Africa provides information about where to find tables of contents and abstracts, full text of articles online, and journal webpages, where they are available.

Second, a full-text archive is provided of back issues of 11 scholarly journals published in Africa in the social sciences and humanities.

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4,316 reads

The College of Saint Benedict Archives collects the historical records of the College, 1961 to present. Vivarium includes photos, maps, and scans of publications and documents, with more to come. In addition to materials found here, see also the CSB Digital Archives Page Search for Text: For a general search of the collection by keyword, simply type a word or words in the box below. Do not add Boolean operators between words; the "and" is automatically used by the search engine. Search by Exact Phrase: Use this search box for searching the transcripts for names, titles, and other exact phrases. ...Or Browse Some of Its Parts: Alumnae publications :     The Handshake , CSB Alumnae Magazine Feb.

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2,321 reads

Primeros Libros Project Agreement The Impresos Mexicanos del Siglo XVI project will build a digital collection of the first books printed in Mexico before 1601. These monographs are very important because they represent the first printing in the New World and provide primary sources for scholarly studies focused on a variety of academic fields. Approximately 220 unique titles are held in institutions around the world with most held in Mexico and the United States.

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2,566 reads

Discovery Project Discovery Project Supported from 2006 to 2009 by the eContentplus programme, the European project Discovery has two main components: The Philosource federation contains an extensive, multilingual collection of reliable scholarly editions of philosophical texts, high quality reproductions of primary sources and a rich archive of videos including lectures and interviews featuring leading contemporary philosophers. Each of the web sites of the Philosource federation is dedicated to a particular body of work and all material published in Philosource have stable and persistent web addresses to ensure the reliability of scholarly references.

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1,609 read

  2011-2013 Program Review Published annually, the USMA Library Program Review details work of the past academic year and projects forward significant initiatives for the coming academic year. It also provides strategic guidance and awareness for the future of academic information and library support at the U.S. Military Academy.

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2,283 reads

DIGITAL COLLECTIONS About the Collection University of Louisville students produced their first yearbook, The Colonel , in 1909. The Colonel apparently ceased publication after the 1912 edition, leaving a gap in the documentation of student life until 1922, when its successor, The Kentucky Cardinal , began monthly publication during the school year, with the June edition serving as a de facto yearbook. By 1924, the school year-end annual edition of The Kentucky Cardinal had been renamed The Thoroughbred , a title which lasted until 1972, despite a somewhat sporadic publishing record (no issues were produced in 1932, 1934-1938, 1943, 1945-1946, and 1970-1971).

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4,059 reads

This collection contains images relating to the University of Louisville and its history. It includes the "building book," an online encyclopedia of current and historical campus structures as well as images of faculty, administrators and students and campus activities and events.

The UofL Images collection includes photographs taken by a variety of staff photographers and student photojournalists. Two photographers are particularly well represented in this collection: Norris Mode and Steve Gruebbel.

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DIGITAL COLLECTIONS About the Collection Since 2002 the University Libraries have been building a collection of color digital copies of theses and dissertations authored here at the University of Louisville. This effort is in keeping with an international trend of institutions migrating to electronic theses and dissertations (known as ETDs) in order to provide free worldwide access to these titles and to enable graduate students to include digital media in their works. Both the University of Louisville's Graduate School and J.B. Speed School of Engineering incorporated the utilization of digital technologies into their thesis and dissertation guidelines. In July 2006 the Speed School's guidelines were amended so that only an electronic copy will be submitted to the Ekstrom Library.

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1,877 read

Site Search Hours | Site Index email    chat    phone    text My Library Accounts | Interlibrary Loan | Reserves A Description of the Arnold Semeiology Collection Perhaps the most varied and individual collection in the Special Collections of the Washington University Libraries, the Philip Mills Arnold Semeiology Collection now numbers approximately 1600 volumes, extending in time from the Ars Oratoria of Jacopo Publicio (Augsburg, 1490) to Charles Kasiel Bliss's International Semantography (Sydney, 1948-49), and ranging in subject matter from cryptography to the sign language of the deaf.

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1,466 read

A Digital Collection of Cornell's University Archives The Cornell University Digital Archives is a collection of publications from the Cornell University Archives, comprising of a total of 26,481 pages dealing with the history of Cornell University. These materials date from 1868 until 1945 and involve a number of different publications including annual reports, class books and University registers. For a a complete listing of our digital collection click on the browse link.

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1,765 read

About Scholars' Bank Welcome to Scholars' Bank , an open-access digital repository created to capture, distribute and preserve the intellectual output of the University of Oregon. Scholars' Bank is maintained by the University of Oregon Libraries, under the coordination of Digital Library Services . Using the open-source software DSpace, available from MIT and Hewlett Packard, Scholars' Bank provides stable, long-term storage needed to house the digital products of UO faculty and researchers. If you are interested in starting a community or contributing to an existing community contact a Scholars' Bank representative at scholars@uoregon.edu .

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9,661 reads

Mission The purpose of the UO Channel is to provide a gateway to streaming media at the University of Oregon. Programming featured on the main UO Channel site is to reflect the University’s dedication to “…the highest standards of academic inquiry, learning, and service…” Criteria include: General guidance for the UO Channel is provided by an Advisory Board with representatives from: Announcements Welcome to the 2011 UO Academic year! The UO Channel is now compatible with iOS devices: iPhone, iPad and iPod. Viewing our video on your mobile device is simple - browse to your selection, and press play!

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1,371 read

  When Donald Winslow (A34, MA35), contacted the Digital Collections and Archives in 2007, we decided to create an autobiographical online exhibit containing his memories of Tufts. I had just completed an exhibit about Muriel Simonson (A'29) . A few years younger than Muriel, Donald Winslow and John Holmes (A'29) , Muriel's fiancee, were contemporaries at Tufts, with John Holmes first working as assistant in English at Tufts and then returning as instructor of English in 1934 when Donald began his MA in English.

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Muriel Simonson at Jackson College 1924-1929: a biographical exhibit Welcome to the online biographical exhibit about Muriel Simonson, who had been an exceptionally talented student of Jackson College, Tufts University, in the 1920s. This exhibit highlights Muriel's academic and athletic achievements and the fact that she was the first undergraduate theater producer (male or female) at Tufts University while also documenting her much-lauded acting and singing. Muriel Simonson's years at Jackson College are presented within the larger institutional, historical, economic, and gender contexts of her time.

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1,371 read

Contact Please send all inquiries and submissions to FragmentsJournal@gmail.com The editorial board is pleased to announce the establishment of Fragments , a new, open-access and peer-reviewed journal, which will be published by MPublishing, a division of the University of Michigan Library. The journal's first articles were published in July 2011. Fragments will provide a forum for dialogue and exchange between scholars in all fields of the humanities and social sciences who study the premodern world. The journal encourages scholars to pursue subjects of broad interest to colleagues working in other places and times, and to pursue comparative and connective approaches in investigating the past.

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