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Purchasing Print Issues Past issues can be purchased for $12 apiece from the Museum Store at the University of Michigan Museum of Art by contacting Store Manager Suzanne Witthoff at witthoff@umich.edu or 734.763.9051. About Bulletin The Bulletin of the University of Michigan Museums of Art and Archaeology was a joint publication of the University of Michigan Museum of Art , the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology , and the Department of the History of Art . This journal features scholarly articles related to subjects of interest to both museums, particularly their collections, exhibitions, and fieldwork programs.

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Philosophy of the Journal In a climate of high subscription charges often levied by commercial publishers and learned societies alike, ARKIVOC was launched in 2000 as a journal with a very different philosophy: it was designed for universal on-demand distribution at no cost to authors (no page charges or other fees), or readers (no access or downloading charges). Many of the standard publishing procedures are used in ARKIVOC, but a major difference is that the "Control Board" which runs the journal is unpaid. ARKIVOC also has a very large Editorial Board of Referees, currently with close to 1,000 members. ARKIVOC is unique from most such boards in that about half our members come from outside Western Europe, North America and Japan.

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2,890 reads

Introduction The Ann Arbor District Library, the University of Michigan University Library and the U-M’s Bentley Historical Library have entered into a partnership to create The Making of Ann Arbor, an online, public website on the history and development of the Ann Arbor community. MOAA is an illustrated narrative about Ann Arbor from its pioneer days when it was part of Michigan Territory to the early twentieth century. The project draws upon the three libraries’ resources and the expertise of all three partners to build a website of interest to the citizens of Ann Arbor. In addition to the illustrated narrative history of our city, the website has a searchable image database, including many photographs and other visual images not used in the narrative.

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1,627 read

The pamphlets digitized here comprise a very small part of a much larger collection of pamphlets owned by the Labadie Collection on the topic of anarchism. In order to maintain a simple way for the project to continue, the pamphlets were chosen for this project in call number order, rather than by level of intellectual or historical significance. These pamphlets were first cataloged in 1982 with funding from the NEH using local subject headings and call numbers. Later, the pamphlets were added to the University of Michigan Library's online catalog MIRLYN , making them much more widely accessible. It is our intention to eventually digitize the remainder of the pamphlets as time and resources permit. Currently, there are almost 600 pamphlets available online.

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1,720 read

  Humanities Text Initiative American Verse Project The University of Michigan Press is collaborating with HTI in an experimental venture to make these materials available to a wider audience over the Internet. The project has several purposes: first, it allows the Press to explore new ways of providing access to World-Wide Web documents. The HTI provides several levels of access to the American verse texts, and guidelines for use (2) are stated clearly at the beginning of each document. Individuals are allowed to use the texts freely, whether to create new editions, distribute to students, or use as a basis for multimedia products.

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About The American Jewess Project Overview: The American Jewess Published between April 1895 and August 1899, The American Jewess was the first English-language publication directed to American Jewish women. Part of the emergence of new public identities for Jewish women, The American Jewess offered an evocative range of features that included demands for synagogue membership for women; health, household and fashion tips; early expressions of American Zionism; short fiction; and reflections on the propriety of women riding bicycles. The American Jewess represented the changing aspirations of America's prosperous and acculturated Jewish women.

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3,791 reads

Abraham Lincoln Association Serials Between 1940 and 1952, the Abraham Lincoln Association published fifty-two issues of The Abraham Lincoln Quarterly , a journal with original articles regarding all facets of Abraham Lincoln's life and the world in which he lived.  According to ALA President G. W.

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aking of America (MOA) represents a major collaborative endeavor to preserve and make accessible through digital technology a significant body of primary sources related to development of the U.S. infrastructure. With funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation , MOA seeks to involve research institutions and national consortia to develop common protocols and consensus for the selection, conversion, storage, retrieval, and use of digitized materials on a large, distributed scale. The initial phase of the project, begun in the fall of 1995, focused on developing a collaborative effort between the University of Michigan and Cornell University .

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1,616 read

The Michigan County Histories and Atlases Digitization Project is comprised of 428 digitized titles (many composed of multiple volumes) published before 1923. The collection offers all members of the community free keyword searching and page-by-page access to digitized reproductions of Michigan county histories and atlases as a resource for historical and genealogical research. The collection is made possible, in part, through a generous Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grant. Additional funding was provided by Michigan Council of Library Directors institutions and a Michigan Digitization and Preservation for Access grant.

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Contact Please send all inquiries and submissions to FragmentsJournal@gmail.com The editorial board is pleased to announce the establishment of Fragments , a new, open-access and peer-reviewed journal, which will be published by MPublishing, a division of the University of Michigan Library. The journal's first articles were published in July 2011. Fragments will provide a forum for dialogue and exchange between scholars in all fields of the humanities and social sciences who study the premodern world. The journal encourages scholars to pursue subjects of broad interest to colleagues working in other places and times, and to pursue comparative and connective approaches in investigating the past.

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1,283 read

About this Project First published over the course of more than twenty years (1751-1777), the 32 volumes of the Encyclopédie include 21 volumes of text with more than 70,000 articles on subjects ranging from asparagus to zodiac. The remaining 11 volumes contain beautifully engraved plates illustrating many of the articles. The Encyclopédie was the major achievement of the French Enlightenment whose aim, in Diderot's words, was to "change the common way of thinking" through the expansion of knowledge and the development of critical modes of thought. The Encyclopédie was a collaborative project, the work of a "society of men of letters," as its title page declared. By the time the last volume was published, more than 140 people had contributed articles to its pages.

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1,918 read

The Court Rolls of Ramsey, Hepmangrove and Bury, 1268-1600 The court rolls of Ramsey, Hepmangrove and Bury constitute a distinctive collection of primary sources for examining and exploring the lives of ordinary people and the institutions of a rural community in the East Midlands of medieval England from the end of the 13th century to the beginning of the 17th century. They were previously published on microfiche as part of The Court Rolls of Ramsey, Hepmangrove and Bury, 1268-1600 , edited and translated by Edwin DeWindt and originally published by the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies (Toronto) in 1990 as vol. 17 of the Subsidia Mediaevalia series (ISBN 0-88844-366-8).

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1,083 read

This collection of Middle English texts was assembled from works contributed by University of Michigan faculty and from texts provided by the Oxford Text Archive, as well as works created specifically for the Corpus by the HTI. The HTI is grateful for the permission of all contributors. For more information on the source of individual titles, please consult the bibliography. All texts in the archive are valid SGML documents, tagged in conformance with the TEI Guidelines, and converted to the TEI Lite DTD for wider use.

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1,528 read

Contemporary Aesthetics (CA) is an international, interdisciplinary, peer- and blind-reviewed online journal of contemporary theory, research, and application in aesthetics. This open-access journal is published on a rolling basis, and new content is freely available on the web at http://www.contempaesthetics.org . The publication is annually archived by the University of Michigan Library at this site. This archive consists of the whole CA backfile--from the first to the most recently completed volume --and is fully searchable and can be browsed by title, author, and volume. According to the editors of CA , in recent years aesthetics has grown into a rich and varied discipline.

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Center for Japanese Studies Publications The Center for Japanese Studies Publications Program published its first book in 1950. Today, works in print appear in three series (Michigan Monograph Series in Japanese Studies, Michigan Papers in Japanese Studies, and Michigan Classics in Japanese Studies), and as non-series publications. Center titles are used in teaching and research in a wide variety of universities and colleges and as resources for private industry and government. CJS also offers a wide variety of online materials in searchable, downloadable formats. These offerings include out-of-print books, the peer-reviewed Michigan Classics Online, and the Faculty Series, which contains online books and archival material edited by Center Faculty.

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Center for Japanese Studies: Motion Pictures Reprint Series The University of Michigan has one of the largest faculties for Japanese in the United States. As part of its charter to disseminate advanced research and foster new possibilities for pedagogy, the Publications Program has inaugurated a unique reprint series on Japanese cinema. The site includes monographs, essay collections, journals, billets, and even digitized films. Abé Mark Nornes, Editor

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1,214 read

The Western Michigan University Libraries United States Civil War Collection was launched in 2007 with 8 diaries of men with connections to Michigan or the Midwest. In 2009 the Collection expanded to include a selection of letters by Samuel Hodgman from Climax, Michigan, who served with the 7th Michigan Infantry. The addition of the letters was made possible by a donation from the Friends of the Western Michigan University Libraries in honor of Bettina Meyer, retired Associate Dean. The current collection represents diverse military experiences, ranging from a musician to a prisoner of war. The handwritten originals have full transcriptions that are searchable with subjects.

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1,937 read

The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson Simple Searches : Single word and phrase searches in The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson Boolean Searches : Find combinations of two or three words in a single document, page, or paragraph Proximity Searches : Find the co-occurrence of two or three words or phrases Browse : Browse titles Word Index : Browse through lists of all unique words in the text. Last updated on March 28, 2006.

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1,138 read

Dental Cosmos, a Monthly Record of Dental Science was the first enduring national journal for the American dental profession, and one of the most significant in the early history of American dentistry. The foundation of dental practice was documented and debated in its pages from 1859 through 1936, when it merged with the Journal of the American Dental Association , serving as a cornerstone for JADA and the model of what a successful dental journal could be. Many of these original source articles are still cited and considered classics in the field. The conversion of Dental Cosmos (1859 to 1936) from print to electronic was made possible through the generous support of the Colgate-Palmolive Company. Last update December 4, 2006.

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2,778 reads

A London Provisioner's Chronicle, 1550–1563, by Henry Machyn: Manuscript, Transcription, and Modernization is an electronic scholarly edition created by Richard W. Bailey, Marilyn Miller, and Colette Moore. The Chronicle was one of the treasures of the library of the antiquarian Robert Cotton, and it was stored in the same bookcase with the Beowulf manuscript. Its location was in the book press surmounted by a bust of the Roman emperor Vitellius, and it takes its shelf mark in the British Library from that location: Cotton Vitellius F.v. In the terrible fire that did so much damage to this library in the early eighteenth century, the 162 leaves of the diary were badly damaged and portions of the outside margins and the top of the text were charred or burned away.

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1,271 read

The Koran About the Koran This is an electronic version of The Holy Qur'an, translated by M.H. Shakir and published by Tahrike Tarsile Qur'an, Inc., in 1983. The text was provided by the Online Book Initiative and subsequently marked up at the HTI in SGML. Like all the versions of this text derived from the Online Book Initiative, it is not free from errors and represents the text as published. We will strive to correct any transcription errors pointed out to us. Last revision 7 January 2000 (corrected a number of typos and encoding problems).

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Spring 2009: Volume 16, issue 2 Welcome to The Journal of the International Institute online. This site features full-text articles from 1994-present. Founded in 1994, The Journal of the International Institute is published twice a year by the University of Michigan International Institute. The Journal provides a forum for international area studies specialists who seek to present their ideas to a diverse, non-specialist readership. Contributors are typically affiliated with the University of Michigan as faculty, students, alumni or visitors. Past contributors have included scholars from the social sciences and humanities, as well as professionals and activists with experience and knowledge about global processes, or specific areas of the world.

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May 2010, Vol. 13, No. 1 This journal is sponsored by the American Association for History and Computing (AAHC), organized at a conference held in Cincinnati in January 1996. The AAHC aspires to promote and develop interest in the use of computers in all types of historical study at every level, in both teaching and research. We believe that computers and computing are rapidly changing important elements of the work of historians and students of history, constituting a major transformation in the way knowledge is created and communicated. A major goal of this journal is to help define useful standards to maximize the utility of computers in historical studies. We welcome contributions from those interested in issues or resources related to history and computing.

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1,492 read

About As a journal community, we offer the following working definitions to further delineate the scope of our medium: Our mission will be advanced by four primary drivers. 1. Phenomenology JSAS will shift research focus in the academic field of sport management toward a more precise study of distinct phenomena, ideas, and events. In his pioneering work regarding phenomenology in the field of philosophy, Edmund Husserl (1859-1938) attempted to shift the focus of philosophy away from large-scale theorization toward a more precise study of discrete phenomena, ideas, and events.

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1,436 read

Jon Cohen AIDS Research Collection Welcome to the Jon Cohen AIDS Research Collection. Noted Science writer Jon Cohen, has donated to the University of Michigan this collection of AIDS-related material he amassed while writing the book, Shots in the Dark: The Wayward Search for an AIDS Vaccine . Largely focused on AIDS vaccine research, the collection spans 20 years and contains conference materials, meeting agendas and minutes, promotional materials, scientific reports and numerous government materials among other forms of documentation not found elsewhere in digital form. With a generous grant from the John D.

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1,326 read

Introduction The International Computer Music Association is an international affiliation of individuals and institutions involved in the technical, creative, and performance aspects of computer music. It serves composers, computer software and hardware developers, researchers, and musicians who are interested in the integration of music and technology. ICMA functions include: The International Computer Music Conference The ICMA cosponsors the annual ICMC, which, since its inception in 1974, has become the preeminent yearly gathering of computer music practitioners from around the world.

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About Groves Monographs on Marriage and Family is an edited book series, beginning in 2010, based on the annual Groves Conference on Marriage and Family , an interdisciplinary, interprofessional organization of limited invited membership founded in 1934. Groves Monographs publishes work on the leading edges of theory development and empirical research in the field of family studies. Individual volumes are edited by the chairs of the annual Groves Conferences and include peer-reviewed chapters by the conference presenters and invited authors. Topics are timely and provocative with diverse themes. Subscription Groves Monographs on Marriage and Family is an open-access resource. New issues are announced on the Groves Conference website .

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1,343 read

The Great Lakes and their connecting channels from the largest aggregation of freshwater on the planet (excluding the polar ice caps). The watershed includes parts or all of eight U.S. states and the Canadian province of Ontario. The Lakes are the dominant and defining geological characteristic of the upper Midwest, affecting the social, economic, recreational and ecological life of the region. Bordering as it does on four of the five Great Lakes, the State of Michigan and its universities understand the importance of the Lakes for the future vitality of our state. Accordingly the University of Michigan has pursued an active research program in this area, and seeks to share some of its findings through this site.

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1,647 read

Garden and Forest is the first project of the Preservation Digital Reformatting Program in the Library of Congress's Preservation Reformatting Division. It is the first Library of Congress digitizing project to employ Making of America models. Making of America Making of America (MOA) is a digital library comprising reproductions of primary source materials in American social history published in the late-nineteenth century. The original collaborative effort between the University of Michigan and Cornell University to create MOA was funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

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Fall 2010: Volume 23, Issue 1: The Future of Feminism Michigan Feminist Studies is an interdisciplinary feminist journal published at the University of Michigan . Edited and produced by Michigan graduate students, MFS is committed to providing a forum for interdisciplinary dialogue and critical exchange. The journal began in 1978 under the title Occasional Papers in Women's Studies . In 1989, the journal became the annual publication Michigan Feminist Studies . MFS continues its affiliation with the Program in Women's Studies at the University of Michigan . The journal attracts graduate student and faculty submissions nationally and internationally. In addition to publishing scholarly research, MFS has also featured interviews, poetry and photo essays.

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1,156 read