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Filipino Workers in Hawaii, 1926 FILIPINO WORKERS IN HAWAII, 1926 Photographs taken by Lt. Colonel Duckworth-Ford on an assignment to Hawaii regarding the labor conditions of Filipino laborers in Hawaii; they are described by Duckworth-Ford. The photographs show Filipino laborers and their relatives, fields and lands, water sources, plantation buildings, laborer housing and schools, store, hospital facility, labor officials. Also sugar cane planting and harvesting, cane processing equipment, cane transport.

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The Douglas Oliver Collection WELCOME TO THE DOUGLAS OLIVER COLLECTION. Douglas Oliver (Feb. 10, 1913 - October 30, 2009) completed a B.A. at Harvard in 1934 and and a DPhil in Ethnology at the University of Vienna in 1935. Between 1936 and 1941, he was a research associate on the staff of Harvard's Peabody Museum of Ethnology and Archaeology. Between 1938 and 1939, Oliver conducted research on Bougainville, among the Siwai (a.k.a. Siuai) people. The majority of these images derive from that period, and were donated to the Pacific Collection following Dr. Oliver's death in 2009. Image Courtesy Wikimedia Commons Related Information : Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania, Winter 1990 "Douglas L. Oliver, 1913-2009"

♥ 10
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The Minneapolis Institute of Arts' Department of Photographs includes fine historic and contemporary works that cover the history of the medium from 1839 to the present.

Featured here is a selection of more than 5200 photographs from the Museum's permanent collection, representing the work of more than 400 photographers.

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Eadweard Muybridge (1830–1904) wished to catalogue every aspect of human and animal locomotion with his camera. He photographed hundreds of subjects engaged in actions both mundane and arcane: nude figures walking and lifting children, athletes boxing and fencing, and animals hurdling, kicking, or slowly ambling along. He was the first photographer to visually dissect these activities, creating images that delighted and mystified the public in the late 19th century.

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Welcome! To St. Catherine University Digital Collections Use the Search or Browse features to view items in the collection Get help anytime by using the help link in the top navigation bar St. Catherine University Digital Collections serves as the online home for unique collections on campus. These resources are made readily accessible to students, faculty, and the general public. Current collections include visual and textual materials; other collections will be added as they become available.

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1,836 read

About the Photo Collection Share with Friends The San Francisco Historical Photograph Collection contains photographs and works on papers of San Francisco and California scenes ranging from 1850 to the present. This collection includes views of San Francisco street scenes, buildings, and neighborhoods, as well as photographs of famous San Francisco personalities. The collection consists mostly of the photo morgue of the San Francisco News-Call Bulletin , a daily newspaper, ranging from 1920s to 1965. The collection also contains albums, slides, postcards, cabinet cards, stereoviews, and lantern slides of San Francisco and California subjects. Copies of images may be ordered with the Reproduction of Images Form (PDF 31K).

♥ 3
2,158 reads

About Us About Us Located at the foot of the San Gabriel Mountains in the city of Claremont, California, 35 miles east of Los Angeles, The Claremont Colleges are a geographically contiguous set of five top-ranked liberal arts undergraduate colleges and two graduate institutions, uniquely configured to support and encourage interdisciplinary study. The Claremont Colleges Library, a part of The Colleges' supporting organization, the Claremont University Consortium, support all seven academic institutions across a wide spectrum of disciplines. The library holds more than 2 million print volumes and provides access to a vast array of electronic resources, both subscription and Open Access.

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2,372 reads

The carte-de-visite, usually an albumen paper photograph mounted on a heavy paper card measuring 2½ × 4 inches, flourished in popularity between 1860 and the 1880s. The Carl Mautz collection of cartes-de-visite photographs created by California photographers includes 145 images consisting chiefly of portraits depicting children, women, and men, in single and group sittings and various ethnic and cultural backgrounds, including Asian American and African Americans. The portraits also include persons with unique physical features, including midgets, dwarves, and giants as well as butchers, circus performers, freemason, miners, musicians, sailors, and soldiers.

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1,520 read

Mammoth plate photographs are photographic prints made through contact printing a photographic print from a large glass plate negative, usually 18 by 21 inches, but may vary in size from 15 by 18 inches to 22 by 25 inches. These large negatives allowed photographers to produce outsized photographic prints before the development of photographic enlargers. The collection consists of 57 black and white photographic prints roughly 21 x 17 inches Cite as: Mammoth Plate Photographs of the North American West. Yale Collection of Western Americana, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Call Number: WA Photos Folio 1

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1968 September 11-1969 November 13 Alexander Lmanian (1925-1996) was a sergeant in the United States Army in World War II, and a part-time photographer for the New Haven Register newspaper and the Associated Press. This collection consists of photographs created by Alexander Lmanian documenting locations and events in Washington, D.C., and its vicinity, 1964-1968, as well as New Haven, Connecticut, 1968-1969. The images of Washington document the physical impact of riots on the city following the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., April 4-8, 1968, as well as events and memorials in the city and vicinity, 1967-1968.

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1,439 read

Portraits represent various tribal groups, including, among many others, the Apache Indians, Arapaho Indians, Arikara Indians, Bannock Indians, Cherokee Indians, Cheyenne Indians, , Oglala Indians, Ojibwa Indians, Omaha Indians, Oohenonpa Indians, Santee Indians, Seminole Indians, Tohono O’odham Indians, Ute Indians, Wichita Indians, and Yuma Indians. Exterior images consist primarily of informal portraiture, as well as depicting residences and settlements, including the Crow Indian Agency in Montana, 1871; the Pawnee Indian School and buildings at the Pawnee Reserve, Loup Fork, Nebraska, 1871; and a Bannock Indian camp near Fort Hall, Idaho, 1872.

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1,405 read

American photographer Robert Giard is renowned for his portraits of American poets and writers; his particular focus was on gay and lesbian writers. Some of his photographs of the American gay and lesbian literary community appear in his groundbreaking book Particular Voices: Portraits of Gay and Lesbian Writers , published by MIT Press in 1997. Giard’s stated mission was to define the literary history and cultural identity of gays and lesbians for the mainstream of American society, which perceived them as disparate, marginal individuals possessing neither. In all, he photographed more than 600 writers. The archive is a unique and important collection providing a significant resource for the study of literary America in the late twentieth century.

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1,442 read

John Thomson’s Illustrations of China and Its People, 1873-1874 John Thomson (1837-1921), a pioneering Scottish geographer and traveler, was the first known photographer to document the people and landscape of China for publication and dissemination to the Western world. Between 1868 and 1872, he traveled over 6,500 kilometers with his cumbersome camera and equipment, darkroom and chemicals capturing all aspects of Chinese life. The photographs in these four volumes show the many sides of China: sweeping landscapes, royalty and ruling classes, merchants and economic activity, everyday life, and the faces of men, women, and children. Thomson was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, the son of a tobacco spinner and seller.

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1,513 read

The Ronald G. Becker Collection of Charles Eisenmann Photographs Using the Collection The collection of 1412 images can be accessed via the Library's CONTENTdm server and is fully searchable by keyword, subject, and image number. The item level inventory of the collection (in Excel) can help with formulating searches and sorting. About the Photographs The most common method of photography during the 1870s and 1880s was the wet plate albumen process. Albumen prints are characterized by a warm sepia tone that distinguish them from later silver gelatin prints. Eisenmann's images are noted for particularly being sharp, clear, and well-posed. The most common formats were cartes de visite and and cabinet cards.

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2,294 reads

Thelner and Louise Hoover Collection   Thelner Barton Hoover attended UCLA from 1927 to 1930. During that time, he was both the official photographer for several university publications, and an unoffical chronicler of numerous campus events. His images of the UCLA buildings and academic community, which number almost 1,600, and were taken over a period of more than 50 years, provide an exceptionally thorough pictorial history of the UCLA Westwood campus. Hoover was the official student photographer for the "The Southern Campus" yearbook, the Daily Bruin (student newspaper) and the Athletic News Bureau.

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1,883 read

The UCLA Charles E. Young Research Library Department of Special Collections has selected and digitized 5,746 of the more than three million images contained in the Los Angeles Times and Los Angeles Daily News photographic archives. The photographs chronicle the history and growth of Los Angeles from the 1920s to 1990.

This collection of digitized images is made available online by the UCLA Digital Library to assist a wide variety of researchers, including scholars, educators, students, writers, filmmakers, urban planners, community activists, librarians, and members of the general public.

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2,024 reads

Collections from the University of Alaska: Photographs. The Historical Photographs collections in the Alaska and Polar Regions Department of the Rasmuson Library include over seven hundred thousand images, dating from the 1870s to the present, documenting Alaska, the Yukon Territory, and eastern Siberia. Of particular interest are collections relating to the Alaskan gold rushes (1880-09), World War II in Alaska (1940-1945), the transition to statehood (1956-67), and the Pipeline boom (1974-77). This selection of documents is of indigenous and pioneer women of Alaska in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Residence of Mrs. J.H. Mann, Fairbanks, Alaska., c.1900. UAF Historical Photographs.

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Certain threads have been woven into the history of Alaska since the first appearance of Whites, hundreds of years ago. These include the search for wealth, the role of the military as a governing body, a mobile and changing population, interaction with Native peoples, a boom-and-bust economy, and a free-wheeling attitude on the part of many who came from elsewhere.

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2,893 reads

Questions? questions? Contact Devin: dbecker@uidaho.edu (208) 885-7040 The University of Idaho Library houses a collection of historical photographs donated by Clifford M. Ott in 1992. Mr. Ott was an avid amateur photographer who amassed over 10,000 slides, prints, and negatives spanning the years from 1883 to 1990. Ott compiled a selection from his collection into eleven albums containing a total of over 1,800 images of Moscow and surrounding Latah County. These scrap books contain photos as well as newspaper clippings, and historic footnotes. Clifford Ott used these scrapbooks, and other slides and negatives, to give talks to senior groups about Latah County history. Clifford M. Ott was a Moscow resident for ninety years.

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2,029 reads

Questions? questions? Contact Devin: dbecker@uidaho.edu (208) 885-7040 The Kyle Laughlin photographs were donated to University of Idaho Library Special Collections in February of 1985 by Marguerite Laughlin. It was processed and described in 1998 and 1999 by Karen Hertel. Kyle Laughlin (1905-1984) was a Moscow, Idaho resident and businessman for 56 years. He was born May 24, 1905 to Edward and Eva Laughlin in Ozark, Missouri. When Laughlin was about seven, the family moved to southeast Idaho where Kyle graduated from Ashton High School. He attended the University of Idaho and graduated in 1931 with a degree in teaching. In 1933, Kyle Laughlin married Marguerite Ward in Moscow. Marguerite was also a UI graduate and teacher.

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Edward John Iddings was the Dean of the College of Agriculture at UI from 1915 to 1946. These slides depict agricultural and university-related scenes from Idaho, as well as images from Iddings' travels.

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