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About As a journal community, we offer the following working definitions to further delineate the scope of our medium: Our mission will be advanced by four primary drivers. 1. Phenomenology JSAS will shift research focus in the academic field of sport management toward a more precise study of distinct phenomena, ideas, and events. In his pioneering work regarding phenomenology in the field of philosophy, Edmund Husserl (1859-1938) attempted to shift the focus of philosophy away from large-scale theorization toward a more precise study of discrete phenomena, ideas, and events.

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Henry Flagler, founder and president of the Florida East Coast Railroad (FECR), created the Model Land Company (MLC) in 1896 to manage his rapidly expanding real estate holdings in the state of Florida. The growth and expansion of the FECR was crucial to the development of Florida, and the Model Land Company, with its three subsidiary companies - Fort Dallas Land Company (FDLC), Perrine Grant Land Company (PGLC) and the Chuluota Land Company (CLC)- managed Flagler's "land empire" until its demise in 1967. The Model Land Company Records constitute a large portion of the surviving records of the Model Land Company. The files consist of the administrative and financial records of the MLC's Miami-based land agent, Frederick S.

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