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About the Project A first segment of this proposed collection includes documents that pertain to the legacy of Marx and Freud (but also Lenin and Lacan) in Latin America. In particular, the complete collection of the journal Los Libros in Argentina, which played a key role in intellectual life, and still continues to do so today, even though very few people in the world have access to it now. This journal, which was closed by the military Junta in 1976, combined literary and cultural analysis with an increasingly political interrogation of events both in Argentina and abroad.

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Protesta Humana This collection contains rare examples of anarchist, socialist, and communist newspapers published in Buenos Aires during the late nineteenth century. The UCLA Digital Library Program is working with members of the History Department to provide these newspapers in searchable full-text versions. Esta colección contiene ejemplos raros de los periódicos anarquista, socialista, y comunista publicados en Buenos Aires durante el a fines del siglo diecinueve.

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